When it comes to your body at a biological level there are only two options that your body truly recognizes. You can be in an anabolic state and grow or be in a catabolic state and get smaller. Knowing this, you can tweak certain things in your training regimen to achieve whatever goal you have been chasing! There are 3 main categories of training specificity while working out.
· Hypertrophy (muscle growth)
· Speed, Strength, Power (muscle efficiency)
· Muscular endurance (ability for the muscles to last longer without fatigue)
As a personal trainer the most common physique goal I come across is “I just want to tone up.” However, listed above there is no real “tone up” option. Typically, what most people mean by this is that they want to build muscle and burn fat. But that goes against what your body wants to do, which is be in an anabolic(growing) state or a catabolic (shrinking) state. Not to say that it is impossible to do, but if you are in a catabolic state or a caloric deficit, most of the muscle built will be in the form of strength (muscular efficiency).
So, to grow, you need a surplus of calories to do so. And to burn fat or get smaller you need to have a deficit of calories to accomplish the task. Knowing these simple tips you can dial in on designing the perfect program for yourself. Cardio is no different and can fall into different categories as well. The basic idea that most people need to be concerned with is aerobic vs anaerobic. Anaerobic is going to be cardio of 10-90seconds anything over that is typically aerobic. Aerobic exercise is catabolic, almost no matter how you look at it.
This is why the most common prescription for “toning up” is to lift weights and run on the treadmill. Because with that idea you are pairing an anabolic form of exercise with a catabolic form of exercise. But at the end of the day there are limitless ways to achieve different physiques if you remember the difference between anabolic vs catabolic.